Twelve good economical reasons people should consider supporting renewables.

This page is under construction.  Over the next few weeks, we will add supporting facts and arguments to each of these statements.

1.  Locally produced energy will keep money in the community.  

  Here's how.  Michigan only produces about one-fifth of the energy it uses on an annual basis.  For example, Michigan still generates more than ten percent of its electricity from coal.  Coal is just about the dirtiest fuel we could use.  We don't mine coal here, but we do pay other states to import it, sending dollars out of the community.  The same is true for gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, and propane.  In addition to importing fuels, much of the electricity that Michigan imports is generated in Ohio and Illinois using coal and methane to do so.  As transportation electrifies, as Americans turn to more efficient electrified appliances like heat pumps and induction stoves, the demand for electricity will increase.  Wind, solar and to a limited extent nuclear, allows us to generate what we need right here, thereby keeping our dollars working and circulating in our own economy.

2.  Clean energy installations will bring outside dollars into the community.

    Here's why.  Many businesses are looking to relocate or set up new facilities in states with clean energy generating capabilities thereby bringing even greater opportunities for the residents of those states.

3.  Mid and large scale projects will dramatically lower your taxes.

     Here's how.  Communities traditionally expand their tax base by developing land in the form of housing and supporting infrastructure, resulting in urban sprawl and the loss of farm and natural lands.  A solar or wind installation will increase a community's tax base without the added expense of expanding schools, roads, water, gas, and sewer infrastructure.  The farm under windmills can still grow the same crops.  Solar panels can allow smaller scale grazing or farming beneath them.  Not all installers offer the same compensation or contract and some are better stewards of the soil than others.

4.  Clean energy jobs are the fastest growing portion of the energy sector.    

     Here's why.  Solar energy followed by wind energy are now by far the cheapest ways to produce electricity.  Clean energy technology now employs more people than fossil energy does and clean energy companies are struggling to find qualified workers.

5.  Renewable energy will lower your utility bills.

     Here's why.  Solar energy followed by wind energy are now by far the cheapest ways to produce electricity.

6.  Renewable energy will lead to cleaner air, water and soil.

Burning coal is a major source of mercury contamination in the water and soil.  Particulate matter from coal fired powerplants more the doubles the risk of death for residents living downwind of the powerplants according to a major study completed by three major universities in 2023.  The study's researchers developed a tool to help visualize the deaths in each state attributable to the 480 studied powerplants over the course of the ten year study.  

        Leaking methane from fossil gas facilities significantly contributes to ground level ozone and particulate matter.  Exposure to which, damages airways, aggravates lung diseases, causes asthma attacks, increases rates of preterm birth, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and heightens stroke risk. 

7.  Less reliance of fossil energy leads to greater global security.

8.  Installing solar on your home is a sound investment.

9.  Renewables increase the resilience of the electrical grid.

10.  Renewable energy will help lower your insurance rates.

      Insurance companies are citing climate change related catastrophes as the reason rates must go up.

11.  Renewable energy installations can make the family farm pay again.

12.  Economically speaking, you risk being left behind by holding onto fossil technology.