Election Central

Our 2024 Climate Voter Campaign

Our 2024 Climate Voter Campaign

Our 2024 Campaign has ended.  Sadly zero candidates responded to our questions.  We have been asking ourselves why that might have been.  Were the questions too difficult?  Was it too big of a political risk to answer them?   We sent them the questions multiple times.  We sent reminders multiple times.  We sent them the questions during the primary campaign and again during the election campaign.  Ignoring the climate emergency only makes it worse.  The questions remain and are more pressing than ever.  You can still ask them.  When you see a candidate or attend a public event where questions are permitted, we encourage you to ask them for an answer.  

A large majority of voters across the political spectrum want their elected officials to move quickly toward climate action.  Yet, a large majority of our elected officials seem to have other priorities.  Our elected officials' priorities should match their voters' priorities. 

VBCAT will not endorse candidates, although members of our group may share their personal opinions.  We hope you will look over the candidate responses and make climate action your top issue when choosing your candidates this year.  

A vote for climate action is certainly a vote for clean air, clean water, healthier soil, global security, and calmer weather.  It is also a vote for your pocket book.  VBCAT believes that instead of exporting dollars by importing energy, our county could be importing dollars by exporting energy.  Wind and solar are now the cheapest way to produce energy and our county has both of those in abundance.  A vote for climate action, is a vote for long term, good paying jobs, lowered utility bills and lowered taxes.

Countywide Questions for Candidates for State Representative and for County Commissioners - these have been developed by VBCAT team members.

1.  Please list your civic activities over the last five years. 

2.  Climate science shows we need to drastically reduce emissions by 2030.  What is your timeline for transitioning to renewable energy?  

3. Do you support efforts to implement community solar?

4.  The cost to operate and maintain a small modular nuclear reactor (the most efficient type available) will be $106.92 per kW of generating capacity per year plus some added variable costs.  For solar the cost is $17.16 per kW of generating capacity per year and for wind the cost is $29.64 per kW per year - each with zero added variable costs.  The cost to construct a nuclear reactor averages eight times higher than for wind and ten times higher than for solar.  It would take about 800 windmills to replace a nuclear power plant.  What is your opinion about restarting the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant in terms of benefits per unit of cost?

5.  Look at past recorded weather patterns or ask any experienced Van Buren farmer or gardener and they will tell you our growing season and weather patterns have changed significantly over the past thirty years.  Spring weather is particularly challenging.  Frost damages fruit buds more often and "false springs" are putting the fruit industry at risk.  Wet fields often make spring grain and vegetable crops difficult to plant.  Prolonged droughts have resulted in a greater need for massive irrigation systems to grow most crops.  What short term and long term plans would you support to help growers in our county meet the increased climate related challenges that are threatening their success?  Short term:          Long term:

6. What do you see as the biggest challenges to addressing climate change through local policy? How would you collaborate with elected officials, businesses, individuals, and other community stakeholders to address these challenges? 

Countywide Quesions.  We will post the candidates' answers as they become available.  Click below to find the candidates and see their responses below.  Please note:  We do not indicate incumbency status or party affiliation of candidates.

Candidates for the State of Michigan House of Representatives

Joey Andrews (38th District)  has yet to respond.

Pauline Wendzel (39th District) has yet to respond.

Candidates for Van Buren County Commission

Gail Patterson Gladney  (District 1 ) has yet to respond.

Mike Chappell  (District 2) has yet to respond.

Kurt Dorah (District 3) has yet to respond.

Richard Godfrey  (District 4

Randall Peat (District 5 ) has yet to respond.

Tina Leary (District 6) has yet to respond.

Paul Schincariol (District 7) has yet to respond.

Statewide Questions.  Click below to find the candidates and see their responses to MiCAN's Statewide Questions.  Please note:  We do not indicate incumbency status or party affiliation of candidates.

Statewide Questions for state legislators - these have were developed by the Michigan Climate Action Network.

Explore the  League of Conservation Voters Environmental Score Card for your current Van Buren County elected officials.

*These scores are calculated based on the candidate's past legislative votes.  Thus they are available only for those who have previously held a legislative office.  VBCAT includes these links for voter informational purposes and does not endorse any candidate.

US Senate

Gary Peters

US Senate

US House 

Michigan District 4

Bill Huizenga

US House Michigan District 4

Michigan Senate 

Districts 19 and 20

Sean McCann

Michigan Senate District 19 

Aric Nesbitt

Michigan Senate District 20

Michigan House 

Districts 38 and 39

Joey Andrews

Michigan House District 38 

Pauline Wendzel

Michigan House District 39